For anyone with a long commute to work, a vanpool can be a great option. Vanpooling may save you money because the vanpool commuting costs are divided among all of the riders, and riding the Express Lanes is free. When you ride in a vanpool you can sit back, relax, enjoy a quick nap, read a book, send text messages, or post on your social media account because you don’t need to worry about driving.
A vanpool is a group of five to 15 people who share a similar commute and rent or lease a van from a vanpool provider. One or more people in the group are designated as drivers. Everyone pays a fare based on the monthly costs of the vanpool and how many days one rides. The vanpool company provides insurance, vehicle maintenance and repairs, and a backup vehicle if the leased vehicle becomes unavailable.
Northern Neck Commuter Services can help you form a new vanpool or find an existing vanpool to ride or use the ConnectingVA website or mobile app.
Every vanpool trip you take earns rewards with ConnectingVA.
If you work in Northern Virginia, Maryland or D.C., and vanpool to work, you may qualify for free rides home with the Commuter Connections Guaranteed Ride Home Program.
Affordable Insurance for Vanpools
AdVANtage is a self-insurance pool that provides affordable liability, uninsured motorist and physical damage protection for commuter vanpools. Vanpools that are licensed and registered in the Commonwealth of Virginia are eligible to become members. Vanpool owners join by paying annual membership fees to the pool that they would traditionally make payments to in the form of premiums. These fees are used to self-insure the AdVANtage member vanpools. For additional information, visit the AdVANtage website: